Tuesday, January 31, 2012


The Revision of the Missal of 1962.

The Concerns of the International Federation Una Voce,

It is known that work has commenced in Rome on the revision of the Missal of 1962. As has been the norm in recent years, these matters are being conducted discreetly and only made public when the relevant document is promulgated, viz: Summorum Pontificum and Universae Ecclesiae. The very narrow remit given by the Holy Father to the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei in his Letter to Accompany Summorum Pontificum [7 July, 2007] was that: “..new Saints and some of the new Prefaces can and should be inserted in the old Missal.”  No other changes were sanctioned. Pope Benedict also stated that “The Ecclesia Dei Commission, in contact with various bodies devoted to the usus antiquior, will study the possibilities in this regard.”
Those who are “devoted to the usus antiquior” must continually and carefully ensure that this specific and narrow remit is not exceeded by those in Rome and elsewhere who desire to undermine the integrity of the Missal of 1962 by demanding the inclusion of some of the novelties which were introduced into the liturgy post-1962.  The International Federation Una Voce was founded in early 1965, even before the Second Vatican Council had ended, and is by far the oldest organisation, lay or clerical, which is devoted to the usus antiquior. While other organisations and societies, clerical and lay, may also be devoted to the ‘usus antiquior’, none can match the 46 year history of the Una Voce Federation in its unswerving devotion to this cause. The Federation has played a unique role in being the first, and the continuous voice of the lay faithful in seeking adherence to the expressed wishes of the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council as declared in Sacrosanctum Concilium n.4:

“Finally, in faithful obedience to tradition, the Sacred Council declares that Holy Mother Church holds all lawfully recognised rites to be of equal right and dignity; that she wishes to preserve them in the future and to foster them in every way.”

The members of the Foederatio Internationalis Una Voce motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, confirmed what the International Federation has always claimed, that the Missal of 1962 ‘was never juridically abrogated’. The Holy Father also confirmed in his letter that his decision was to bring about “an interior reconciliation in the heart of the church.”

Liturgical innovation and creativity is unwanted by the faithful and has consistently disturbed, angered and alienated them in the years following the Second Vatican Council. This must not happen again with the adulteration of the Missal of 1962. The International Federation accepts organic development but emphatically rejects liturgical innovation which is alien to the character, spirit, and integrity of the usus antiquior.  The inestimable treasure of the ancient liturgy must not be undermined by novelty, reductionism, and destructive modernisation. Nothing describes the attraction of the usus antiquior more powerfully than the growing number of young Catholics world-wide, including many seminarians and young priests, who are discovering this ancient and deeply spiritual liturgy and are being captivated by it.  

We are now entering a critical period in the life of the liturgy of Holy Mother Church. Decisions that are being taken in Rome today will have a lasting impact on the spiritual welfare of the faithful for generations. The need to implement the will of the Holy Father for a limited and organic change in harmony with the character of the Missal of 1962 must not be the excuse for the introduction into the traditional Roman liturgy of alien concepts that created so much disunity and disharmony in the years immediately following the Second Vatican Council.

Following the publication of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, the President of the Foederatio Internationalis Una Voce presented a document to the Ecclesia Dei Commission in June 2008. Now that work on amending the Missal of 1962 has commenced, it may be timely to republish this document, in an updated form, to make clear, once again, the desires and aspirations of the members of the Una Voce Federation.


The long-awaited clarification document, Universae Ecclesiae, was published by the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei on 30th April 2011 and was subject to much comment and detailed analysis in the media. The International Federation Una Voce welcomed the document. 

Although some have commented that Universae Ecclesiae still leaves some questions unclear, what is perfectly clear is that the Holy Father has fully restored to the universal Church the traditional Roman rite as enshrined in the liturgical books of 1962, that the rubrics in force in 1962 must be strictly observed, and that Latin and the Usus Antiquior must be taught in seminaries where there is a pastoral need. And this pastoral need must be determined by those who wish to benefit from Summorum Pontificum and Universae Ecclesiae, and not be decided by those many in authority whose natural desire is to prevent their implementation. 

The International Federation Una Voce has worked patiently and tirelessly for the restoration of the traditional liturgy for more than 45 years and is now witnessing a vindication of its fidelity to Holy Mother Church and the See of Peter. However, its members, the lay faithful of Holy Mother Church, are fully aware that many in the ranks of the clergy have a burning desire to thwart their legitimate aspirations to benefit spiritually from the pastoral solicitude of Pope Benedict XVI.  To this end, we who are beneficiaries of these documents, wish to state unequivocally that, while accepting the stated will of our Holy Father for the inclusion of new Saints and some new Prefaces into the Missal of 1962, we will respectfully and vigorously challenge any proposal that strays beyond these clearly defined limits and seeks to adulterate the integrity of that Missal.

Leo Darroch,
President – Foederatio Internationalis Una Voce.
30th January 2012.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


The below is news of an upcoming mass in Macon (Savannah Diocese)

Schubert "Mass in G"

Rehearsals will begin on Wednesday, February 1st at 7:15PM for the Solemn Sung High Mass on the Feast of St. Joseph, which will be Monday, March 19th (Cherry Blossom Week). If you are interested in singing, please join us for the first rehearsal.


Saturday, January 28, 2012


This June, the FSSP St. John Bosco Youth Group (Lincoln, NE) is heading to the Dominican Republic joining a mission trip to not only help the local people, but spread the Traditional Latin Mass and Faith. And they need your help.The mission hosts numerous groups of young people and they do various types of work: building houses, digging latrines, etc. While they perform their corporal works, they'll tackle the spiritual as well. Fr. Keith O’Hare invited the FSSP because he wants them to teach him the Traditional Mass so he can start offering it regularly at his parish. The Fraternity will be running workshops with him and with his altar boys to get them prepared. At theend of their stay they hope to have a Solemn High Mass in his nearly 500-year-old church in Banica and then another one in an historic church in colonial Santo Domingo.
You can help the FSSP mission trip in a number of ways: Pray for the success of this venture; Make a tax-deductible donation (checks can be made payable to St. Francis of Assisi Chapel); Buy Mystic Monk Coffee from them or through the Mystic Monk Coffee Drive at www.mmcoffeedrive.com (select “St. John Bosco Youth Group” from the pull down menu. 40% of coffee sales benefit our trip and the remaining proceeds benefit the Carmelite Monks of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Monastery; Sponsor specific items such as missals, vestments, and other necessities for the Traditional Mass; Sponsor a priest or seminarian at $1000; Sponsor a volunteer youth who may not otherwise be able to make the trip: $1400; Any gift you are able to make
Please consider helping this worthy cause either on your own or by organizing a fundraising effort for the group. Contact StJohnBoscoYouthGroup AT gmail.com for more information (additional contact info on the poster above).
(Thanks to Rorate Caeli for this info and report)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pontifical Solemn Candlemas Live Broadcast

The Mass will be available on the internet via livestreaming at www.livemass.net. To "tune in," simply visit the website during the Mass time (7:30 p.m. EST)
Thursday, February 2, 7:30 p.m.
Church of the Epiphany (8235 SW 57th Avenue, Miami, FL)

We are pleased to welcome His Excellency, Thomas G. Wenski, Archbishop of Miami as the celebrant of this Mass
. The Mass will be preceded by the traditional blessing of candles and a procession for the feast day.
Ceremonial and logistical assistance for the Mass is provided through the generous efforts of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP).

Musical highlights include Tournemire’s office from L’Orgue Mystique for the day (Purificatio B. Mariæ Virginis), played by Mr. Thomas Schuster, Organist and Director of Music at Church of the Epiphany, as well as a Missa Brevis by Zachary Wadsworth, and a commissioned motet by Dr. Paul Weber. Choral works will be sung by the Schola Cantorum of the University of Florida under the direction of Dr. Edward Schaefer. The Gregorian propers of the day will be sung by a Women's Schola Cantorum under the direction of Dr. Jennifer Donelson of Nova Southeastern University.

The Mass is part of a conference on the French Catholic Composer, Charles Tournemire.

The conference, entitled "Gregorian Chant and Modern Composition for the Catholic Liturgy: Charles Tournemire’s L’Orgue Mystique as Guide" is presented by The Church Music Association of America, in collaboration with Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and the Church of the Epiphany in Miami, Florida. It includes recitals and papers by an international collection of performers and academics.

For more information, visit the conference website: http://

Fr. Brian Austin of the F.S.S.P. or Dr. Jennifer Donelson are available for interview by phone or internet.

Questions about the Mass or the conference can be directed to Dr. Jennifer Donelson, assistant professor of music at Nova Southeastern University at jd1120@nova.edu or (954) 262-7610.


There will be at three catechetical sessions connected with the Mass.

These sessions will serve as an introduction to the Traditional Latin Mass and the customs of Candlemas. They are an excellent opportunity to ask questions of knowledgeable clergy.

Tuesday, January 31 - 8:00 - 9:30 p.m. - St. Augustine's Catholic Church on the University of Miami campus. This session is open to young adults, aged college graduate to 39 and will be presented by Fr. Joseph Fishwick, longtime chaplain of the Latin Mass community in the Archdiocese of Miami.

Thursday, February 2 - 6:30 - 7:00 p.m. - Church of the Epiphany School. This session is open to high school and college students and will be presented by Fr. Christian Saenz, S.J., a newly ordained priest who teaches theology at Belen Jesuit prep.
Thursday, February 2 - 6:30-7:00 p.m. - Church of the Epiphany School. This session is open to adults and families and will be presented by Fr. Christopher Marino, pastor of St. Michael the Archangel church in Miami.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


The only public celebration in Georgia of Candlemass (Feast of the Purification) will be at St Francis de Sales Mableton. There will be the traditional blessing of candles and then a candle light procession followed by High Mass. If you bring candles to be blessed make sure your name is on them. Candles for the use of the parish for the year are blessed, also the Faithful have candles blessed for the year. They are used during storms, sick calls by the priest, Extreme Unction, family prayers, times of trouble,lighted after dusk on All Saints Day as well as other uses.

Thursday Feb 2nd 7:30 pm

St. Francis de SalesTraditional Latin Rite Parish
587 Landers DriveMableton,
Georgia 30126
Phone/FAX: (770) 948-6888

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Thanks to the generosity of Bishop Robert Guglielmone, Diocese of Charleston (S.C.), Prince of Peace church in Taylors (Greenville), S.C. is now staffed with two priests who offer both forms of the Roman rite. In addition to the regular Mass schedule for the 1,000-plus parish family who attend the Ordinary form, the Extraordinary form is now available DAILY for those who wish to attend.
Beginning on Epiphany (Jan. 6), Prince of Peace began hosting a Noon Traditional Latin Mass Sunday (High) through Friday (Low during weekdays and Sat.) and an 8 a.m. TLM every Saturday
It is believed that this parish--staffed by diocesan priests--is among the only diocesan parish regularly offering the Traditional Latin Mass on a daily basis east of the Mississippi.
A heartfelt thanks also to Rev. Father Christopher Smith and Rev. Father Richard Tomlinson for making this possible for the growing flock in the buckle of the Bible Belt and for dutifully following Pope Benedict XVI's desires for liturgical renewal in the heart of parish life!
(Thanks to Rorate Caeli for this report)

Una Voce Report from Arkansas

Below is a link to a report by Una Voce Arkansas about the problems the Latin Mass community is having there. The reason this is posted is that we need to learn what kinds of problems traditionalists have and learn from others mistakes so we don't repeat them.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Latin Mass Group Starts in Central Georgia (Savannah Diocese)

Macon Latin Mass Community

Several parishioners at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Macon, Georgia and the surrounding parishes of the Middle Georgia area have formed a group in an effort to support the priests who offer the Traditional Latin Mass and to present a more stable group of TLM supporters in hopes of having more Latin Masses available in the area.

The group plans to begin by meeting at least monthly for prayer and discussion after the High Mass at St. Joseph Church in Macon, Georgia. The Mass usually takes place at 2 p.m. on the first Sunday of each month.

If you are interested in joining this group's email discussion as activities are planned, please visit http://groups.google.com/group/macon-tlm and request an invitation to the group or email Marc Ermine at wmermine@gmail.com.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Exorcism Class

Father Ripperger (FSSP trained priest) will be conducting a class on the Rite of Exorcism according to the traditional ritual. If you know of a priest interested pass this on to him.

Diocese of Tulsa is putting on  this conference on 5-8 February 2012.

Click HERE for more info.
This conference is designed for priests who are currently engaged in the Church’s pastoral care of those afflicted by extraordinary demonic activity, as well as those priests who have been asked to begin this ministry in their diocese, their stable assistants and those clerics who are involved in various levels of deliverance ministry.
Speakers include Dr. Daniel VanSlyke, of Kenrick Seminary, who will present the liturgical development of the Rite in the Latin Church and Fr. Chad Ripperger, an experienced exorcist, who will offer an analytical study of the Latin text of the 1962 Rite for those exorcists whose primary liturgical language is English. Fr. Carlos Martins, C.C., will lead a panel/participant discussion on offering pastoral care to those who have been liberated through the Church’s saving ministry.
The first presentation will be on Sunday evening, February 5 and the conference will close on Wednesday afternoon, February 8 with the panel discussion. The Registration fee of $175 includes lunch all three days, dinner on Sunday and Monday with a banquet on Tuesday evening. Special room rates are available for this conference from the Hilton Garden Inn, Tulsa South, 8202 South 100th East Avenue, Tulsa, OK 74133 – (918) 392-2000.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Epiphany Blessing of Homes

On the Epiphany, there will be a blessing of gold, frankincense, myrrh, Epiphany Water, and, after Communion, a blessing of chalk.. Bring small special items of gold to have with you during the Mass, and they will be blessed if they are exposed as you sit in your pew with them (wedding rings, rosaries, an heirloom piece of gold jewelry, for example). The blessing of Epiphany water is very complex. It takes up to an hour to perform the ritual, and is a treasure of our Church. Please ask your priest to come to your home during the season of the Epiphany and bless your home. All priests may perform the Epiphany blessing using the traditional rituale, pursuant to Summorum Ponticium. The father of the home with lighted candle will lead the priest to each room where the priest will incense each room and bless it with Epiphany water. He will then write the blessing (20+C+M+B+12) over all exterior doors with the blessed chalk.