The Crotalus makes its yearly return Holy Week
The Holy Week liturgy schedule is as follows at St Francis de Sales in Mableton. All liturgies will be in the Solemn Form (priest, deacon, subdeacon). For Directions see
www.francisdesales.com This is the only parish in the Atlanta Diocese and in the state of Georgia where the traditional Holy Week will be observed. Unfortunately, Holy Week will not be observed in the Savannah Diocese, except for the usual Sunday Mass at the Cathedral in Savannah,
AND also the Easter Sunday Mass in Augusta- see the below post.
Palm Sunday
9:00 am Solemn High Mass with blessing of palms and procession. Meet in the gym to start the mass. To take a palm you kneel down in front of the priest then kiss the palm branch and then kiss the priests hand, then take the palm. The procession will end up in the church for the completion of the mass
Maundy Thursday
Confessions 6:30-7:30 pm
Solemn High Mass of the Lords Supper 8:00 pm with Mandatum (foot washing) of 11 men and one teenage boy who represents St John, stripping of all three altars, translation of the Blessed Sacrament to the altar of repose, Office of Compline is sung and then adoration at the altar of repose until midnight
Good Friday
confessions 1:00-2:00 pm
Solemn Mass of the Pre-sanctified 3:00 pm, (during adoration of the cross you remove your shoes to approach the crucifix), fish dinner provided after the liturgy in social hall.
7:00 pm stations of the cross
Holy Saturday
confessions 10:00-11:00am, AND 8:30-9:30pm
The Great Vigil (solemn) 10:30 pm, meet in the parking lot at the Easter fire. May want a small flash light because there is only candlelight used until the Gloria is intoned.
Easter Sunday
7:15 am NO MASS
9:00 am low mass, followed by Easter Egg Hunt
11:30 High Mass
Low Sunday
7:15 am low mass
9:00 am low mass
11:30 am High Mass followed by pot luck dinner
2:00-2:50 pm confessins
3:00 pm Divine Mercy Devotions (with plenary indulgence)