Fr. J. Fryar, FSSP is starting a Catechism online class. This is FREE. Big plans for the future, but these are the humble beginnings of a Catechism series beginning with the Catechism of the Mass.
It is given in the parking lot of the parish because too many people showed up to the class in the room they were given. THIS CLASS IS TAUGHT IN ENGLISH.
It can be viewed live on Tuesdays nights at 11:00 pm EST, 10 PM Central, 9:00 PM MST, or 8:00 pm PST (these are Daylight Saving Time schedule.) or watch for the revised recorded version usually posted Thursdays. Una Voce requests you pass this on so others may enjoy this class.
Here is the link to the LiveMass Channel to watch the live class on line:
Here is the link to watch the past lessons you have missed: