My name is Abbé Justin Ong, originally from Malaysia but I have spent about 10 years in America. I am in my 6th year with the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. Here at our seminary, in the beautiful hills of Tuscany just fifteen minutes away from Florence, I am blessed to live in a community of over eighty fellow seminarians from around the world.
During our seven-year-long formation, we are taught in the spirit of St. Francis de Sales (one of the Institute's patron saints) and prepared to be, God-willing, good and faithful priests who are one day able to preach the truth of Christ and His Church and to celebrate the Sacraments daily, especially the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The liturgical life of the Church is the center of our daily lives throughout our formation here at the seminary.
Please support the Institute's International Seminary with your generous financial assistance. Our Institute does not reject any applicant for financial reasons. Even if the families of many of our confreres are not able to pay the full monthly tuition of $1,050, all young men who are sincere in their faith and who want to serve Christ with all their strength, will be accepted. Please help the Institute allow this work of divine charity to continue.
If you are inclined to offer assistance you may do so by going to our American website at and click on "DONATE" and then scroll down to "International Seminary". Please forward the receipt to with a mention that it is “for Abbé Ong”.
To see the latest video from the Institute of Christ the King's seminary in Italy please click:
Thank you for your prayers and financial support!