Friday, January 22, 2010
Media Advisory
The First Seminary Chapel In the Country Built for Seminariansin the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite in 40 Years
DENTON, Nebraska – January 22, 2010 – The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter is pleased to announce the Pontifical Consecration of its newly built chapel at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary on Wednesday, March 3rd at 10:00am (CST). Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz will celebrate the Pontifical Consecration and Mass according to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.The five hour ceremony will be held in the presence of a very special guest from the Vatican, William Cardinal Levada, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter is delighted to have the presence of one of the highest ranking officials in the Catholic Church. Cardinal Levada's presence is connected with his position as President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei established by Pope John Paul II and recently expanded by Pope Benedict XVI to facilitate the full incorporation into the life of the Church of communities and individuals attached to the Extraordinary Form. Thanks to Thomas Gordon Smith, its architect, the seminary chapel reflects a contemporary rebirth in the rich tradition of classical Catholic architecture. Upon entering through its mahogany doors, the visitor will be immersed in the chapel's beauty and grandeur which include an elevated main altar, emphasized by a 31-foot marble canopy or “baldachino”, the chapel's seven side altars and liturgical choir stalls which seat 92 seminarians and priests. These are some of the integral qualities of this chapel which, on March 3rd, will be full of the people for which it was made.The Pontifical Consecration and Mass is open to all of the public. Any and all the faithful are cordially invited and are most welcome to attend this joyful event and enjoy refreshments afterward.Due to the number of guests and limited space, rooms and television screens will be provided for those outside of the chapel who wish to participate.The Pontifical Consecration and Mass will be televised live on the Eternal World Television Network (EWTN) at 11:00AM (EST).
Watch the Pontifical Consecration and Mass Live Online!
Media ContactFather Joseph Lee, FSSPOur Lady of Guadalupe Seminary7880 West Denton RoadDenton, Nebraska 68339phone (402) 570-2707
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
An overview of the evening is below:
The vigil will begin at 8:00pm with scriptural rosary and confessions (extra ordinary available), a 9:00pm Mass ( extra ordinary form low mass) in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, followed with Holy Hours of Adoration and will conclude with a 1:00am Saturday Mass (novus ordo mass in latin) in honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
This simple, yet powerful event is a way of life that is Eucharistic-centered and Marian in spirituality.Please help spread the word and lets have a big showing of support to this wonderful priest for learning and saying the latin mass.
The address of the church is below:
Saint Andrew
675 Riverside Road, Roswell, GA 30075
Sunday, January 17, 2010
The penitent enters the confessional and says,
“Bless me Father, for I have sinned.”
The penitent makes the Sign of the Cross
while the priest says, “The Lord be in Thy
heart and on thy lips, that thou mayest rightly
confess thy sins. In the name of the Father †,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
The penitent tells the priest how long it has
been since his last Confession, then recites the
number and kind of his sins. The penitent
concludes with a statement to the effect of, “For these and all my
other sins, which I cannot presently remember, I am heartily
sorry.” ( or similar words)
The priest may ask some questions and give some advice. The
priest will assign a penance.
The priest then says: “Misereátur tui omnípotens Deus, et dimíssis
peccátis tuis, perdúcat te ad vitam ætérnam. Amen.”
(In English: “May almighty God have mercy on thee, and forgive
thee all thy sins, and bring thee to life everlasting. Amen.”)
Holding his right hand over the penitent, the priest says:
“Indulgéntiam, absolutiónem, et remissiónem peccatórum tuórum
tríbuat tibi omnípotens et miséricors Dóminus. Amen.”
(In English: “May the almighty and merciful God grant thee
indulgence, absolution, and remission of all thy sins. Amen.”)
Still holding his right hand over the penitent, the priest removes
any impediments to the validity of the absolution he is about to
give: “Dóminus noster Jesus Christus te absólvat; et ego
auctoritáte ipsíus te absólvo ab omni vínculo excommunicatiónis,
(suspensiónis,) et interdícti, in quantum possum et tu índiges.” If
the penitent is a layman, the word “suspensiónis” is omitted.
(The English translation: “May our Lord Jesus Christ absolve
thee; and by His authority I absolve thee from every bond of
excommunication, (suspension,) and interdict, in proportion to my
power and thy need.)
The priest recites the words of absolution while
both the priest and the penitent make the Sign
of the Cross.
(In English: “Thereupon, I absolve thee from
thy sins, in the name of the Father †, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”)
Finally, the priest says a prayer for the
remission of temporal punishment due for sins:
“Passio Dómini nostri Jesu Christi, mérita
Beátæ Maríæ Vírginis, et ómnium Sanctórum,
quidquid boni féceris, et mali sustinúeris, sint
tibi in remissiónem peccatórum, augméntum
grátiæ et præmium vitæ ætérnæ. Amen.”
(In English: “May the passion of our Lord
Jesus Christ, the merits of the Blessed Virgin
Mary, and of all the saints, whatever good you
shall have done, and evil you shall have
endured, be to you unto remission of sins,
increase of grace, and reward of eternal life.
Note that the Extraordinary Form of the Sacrament does not
require the penitent to make an Act of Contrition. The priest does
retain the option to request this, a sensible and laudable custom,
prior to giving absolution. It seems that most of the priests using the older rite of confession are indeed asking pennitents to say the act of contrition, so you will most likely be asked to say it. Usually while you are saying the act of contrition the priest will give absolution at the same time so he will be talking in latin while you are saying the act of contrition. When confession is over the priest will say " Go in peace your sins are forgiven" You thank the priest and leave.
Also note that canonically, a priest does not have the right to
remove every kind of bond of excommunication. That is reserved
to the diocesan Ordinary (bishop). Therefore, the prayer is careful
to say, “in proportion to my power”. A priest must refrain from
absolving difficult cases and refer the matter to a bishop. Please note that in the Atlanta diocese (and probably Savannah as well) the Bishop has granted priests the power to absolve from the excommunication of abortion.)
The concluding prayer for remission of temporal punishment is a
beautiful and appropriate follow-up to absolution, and is unique to
the Extraordinary Form.
Once you leave the confessional you will kneel in church and perform your pennance. Remember to also try and obtain indulgences to wash away the temporal punishment due to sins. One thing that often occurs where the latin mass is started is that people return to the Church after 20-30 years of absence so it is very important to get these people to confession. If they mention that they don't remember how to go to confession simply tell them to go in the confessional and say " Father I hven't been to confession in 20 years and I don't remember what to do" The priest will talk them through it. Also let them know that priests are highly honoured when they can hear a confession and bring a person back into the Church after such a long time.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Homeschool Conference for Traditional Catholics
North Georgia Catholic Homeschool Conference
+JMJ+Mark you calendar -
Dr. Ray Guarendi, father of 10, author of numerous ChildDiscipline books will be coming to North Metro Tech on Friday, April 23rd, 2010from 7pm -8pm. He is the keynote speaker at this years 5th annual North GeorgiaCatholic Homeschool conference.Other speakers include:Laura Berquist -founder of Mother of Divine Grace, author of Designing Your Own ClassicalCurriculum. She will conduct all day workshops (10am-3pm) on Friday, April 23rd.She will also give 2 talks to conference participants on Saturday, April 24thDr. Catherine Moran -will give 2 talks to conference participants on Sat. April 24,
Fr. Augustine Tran - Saturday
Fr. Omar Loggiodice - Mass on Friday
Dr. Tony Barone - local lawyer, author and homeschooler - Common MistakesHomeschoolers Make, on SaturdayMisty Spinelli - founder of Growing Scholars, speaker will talk on Saturdayand more.
Also many vendors - Seton, MODG, Our Lady of Victory (?), and othersVendor only shopping on FridayCollege Fair on Friday
to learn more about the speakers, for more info, or to register - check out thewebsite:
www.chsconferencega .com
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Epiphany Blessings
The Blessing of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh
In Latin:
V. Adiutorium nostrum in nomine Domini.
R. Qui fecit caelum et terram.
V. Dominus vobiscum.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo.
Oremus. Suscipe, sancta Pater, a me indigno famulo tuo haec munera, quae in honorem nominis tui sancti, et in titulum omnipotentiae tuae maiestatis, humiliter tibi offero: sicut sacrificium Abel iustus, et sicut eadem munera a tribus Magis tibi quondam offerentibus suscepisti.
Exerciso te, creatura auri, thuris et myrrhae, per Pa+trem omnipotentem, per Iesum + Christum filium eius unigenitum, et per Spiritum Sanctum + Paraclitum: ut a te discedat omnis fraus, dolus, et nequitia diaboli, et sis remedium salutare humano generi contra insidias immici: et quicumque divino freti auxilio te in suis loculis, domibus, aut circa se habuerint, per virtutem et merita Domini et Salvatoris nostri, ac intercessionem eius sanctissimmae Genetricis et Virginis Mariae, ac eorum, qui hodie similibus muneribus Christum Dominum venerati sunt, omniumque Sanctorum, ab omnibus periculis animae et corporis liberentur, et bonis omnibus perfrui mereantur. R. Amen.
Deus invisibilis et interminabilis, pietatem tuam per sanctum et tremendum Filii tui nomen, suppliciter deprecamur: ut in hanc creaturam auri, thus, myrrhae bene+dictionem ac operationem tuae virtutis infundas: ut, qui ea penes se habuerint, ab omni aegreditudinis et laesionis incursu tuti sint; et omnes morbos corporis et animae effugiant, nullum dominetur eis penculum et, laeti, ac incolumes tibi in Ecclesia tua deserviant: Qui in Trinitate perfecta vivis et regnas Deus per omnia saecula saeculorum.
R Amen.
Et benedictio Dei omnipotentis, Pa+tris, et Filii,+ et Spiritus + Sancti, descendat super hanc creaturam auri, thuris et myrrhae, et maneat semper. R. Amen.
In English:
V. Our help is in the name of the Lord.
R. Who made heaven and earth.
V. The Lord be with you.
R. And with thy spirit.
Let us pray. Accept, O holy Father, from me, thine unworthy servant, these gifts which I offer in humility to the honour of thy holy name and to thy peerless majesty; as thou didst accept the sacrifice of the just Abel and the same gifts from the hands of the Magi.
Creatures of gold, incense, and myrrh, I exorcise you by the Father + almighty, by Jesus + Christ, His Only-Begotten Son, and by the Hol y+ Spirit, the Paraclete, that freed from all deceit, evil, and cunning of the devil, you may be a saving remedy to men against the snares of the enemy. May trustful souls who use you in their homes or about their persons be delivered from danger to soul and body, rejoicing in the possession of every good; through our Lord and Saviour's power and merits, through the intercession of Mary, most holy Virgin Mother of God, of all Saints and of them who on this day venerated Christ, the Lord with similar gifts. R. Amen.
O God, thou the invisible and unending One, in the holy and awesome name of thy Son graciously bestow blessing + and power upon these creatures, gold, incense, and myrrh. Protect them who will have them in their possession from illness, injury, and danger to body and soul, so they can joyously and securely serve thee with zeal in thy Church. Who in perfect Trinity livest and reignest, God, for ever and ever. R Amen.
There is also the custom of the annual blessing of houses, with each room being sprinkled with blessed water and incensed. Traditionally this was done by the pastor, but in the aftermath of the Council, this blessing (in reduced form) was, in many countries, handed over to the fathers of families (or even to any family member).
At the end of the house blessing, the following is inscribed upon the doors:
(This is not the only form that the inscription could take, and sometimes the inscription is placed on the inside of the door, and sometimes on the outside or above it.)
CMB means “Christus Mansionem Benedicat” but through the centuries it has also been taken to refer to the Magi, Caspar, Melchior and Balthassar. This latter understanding is reflected in the Roman Ritual’s formula for the blessing of the chalk that is used to make this inscription, which formula reads as follows:
The Blessing of Chalk. (The blessed chalk is used when the priest blesses your home. He sprinkles it with Holy Water and incenses the rooms then he writes over the doors with the blessed chalk.)
In Latin:
V. Adiutorium nostrum in nomine Domini.
R. Qui fecit caelum et terram.
V. Dominus vobiscum.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo.
Bene+dic, Domine Deus, creaturam istam cretae: ut sit salutaris humano generi; et praesta per invocationem nominis tui sanctissimi, ut, quicumque ex ea sumpserint, vel ea in domus suae portis scripserint nomina sanctorum tuorum Gasparis, Melchioris et Baltassar, per eorum intercessionem et merita, corporis sanitatem, et animae tutelam, percipiant. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. R. Amen
In English:
V. Our help is in the name of the Lord.
R. Who made heaven and earth.
V. The Lord be with you.
R. And with thy spirit.
Bless, +. O Lord God, this creature chalk to render it helpful to men. Grant that they who use it in faith and with it inscribe upon the entrance of their homes the names of thy saints, Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthassar may through their merits and intercession enjoy health of body and protection of soul. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Latin Nuptial Mass in Macon
Father Mc Donald in Macon ( savannah diocese ) held his first Tridentine Nuptial mass this weekend. Here is his report:
As mentioned in an earlier blog, I celebrated the Extraordinary Form of the Nuptial Mass yesterday for now married, Mr. and Mrs. David (Stephanie Howe) Bushey. Here are some of my reflections on this form of the wedding and Nuptial Mass. There were a good number of young people there from Christendom College. Apart from the EF of the Mass, they have a very traditional reverence and piety. Many in attendance were familiar with the EF Mass and participated in an active verbal way with the sung and spoken Latin responses. This was marvelous.But getting back to the traditional reverence and piety of the congregation; this is what I remember growing up as a Catholic in the pre-Vatican II Church. Even as a very young child, let's say before I even turned five, I can remember the hushed reverence of the congregation and how pious people were after they received Holy Communion. I can remember people returning from Holy Communion, kneeling with their face buried in their hands. As a child I thought they were upset, but my parents reassured me they were just grateful to Jesus and His divine mercy. Reverence, reverence, reverence marked this form of the celebration of the Mass including the Nuptial liturgies. This is in marked contrast with so many of our OF forms of nuptials where there is a giddiness and a total ignorance of what our form of prayer and reverence are all about. If all of our wedding liturgies were as reverent as the one yesterday, I think most priests would begin to favor once again the celebration of weddings over funerals. At least today, for funerals, people seem to be in a more reverent mood and hunger for spiritual meaning in the face of death, but not so much for weddings!There was no room in the EF Nuptials for the congregation to acknowledge the bride and groom with applause or cat calls. And there is no place for the bride and groom to kiss. So often in the OF form of Nuptials as soon as the bride and groom kiss, there is loud applause and yes,(and I have experienced this many times) cat calls from the congregation. At the recession in OF nuptials, there is not only loud and sustained applause, but a hooting, guttural groaning and the like that you might see and hear on the "Tonight Show." It's down right silly and stupid but because of the loss of the sense of the sacred that is what our nuptials in the OF liturgies have disintegrated into.The EF form of the Nuptials was so serious, so prayerful and so solemn everyone knew that applause and guttural groaning in this form was totally out of place. The sense of the sacred was too profound and solemn to add anything profane to the Liturgy. I understand now, more than ever, why older people (most of whom are now dead) use to tell me when I was first ordained how much they missed the reverent silence and the sense of the sacred they experienced prior to the reforms of the Liturgy. I didn't really understand their lament until recently and they were right to lament. We have lost the sense of the sacred in our reform liturgies and I'm more and more convinced it is the reform and dumbing down of ritual and sacred actions that has contributed to it. The way you pray is the way your believe and if you pray with a flawed translation of the vernacular, rubrics that are not followed or worse yet spontaneously made up and a giddiness about things sacred, it only follows that the profane will be incorporated into the liturgy and people will lose all respect for that which is sacred thinking their giddy silliness and entertainment form of participation will adequately replace true spirituality and reverence. While I do love the Latin and think our Catholic people are smart enough to actively participate in this language, even verbally, I do appreciate the vernacular also and see accurate translations of the Latin to be a blessing for the Church. I still contend though, if the form of the Mass and the other sacraments had simply been left alone and good, accurate translations of the rubrics and texts of these sacraments been accomplished without changing the order, gestures or bodily postures of these Sacraments, true renewal and an increase of devotion and reverence would have remained with us and just maybe, (I'm not clairvoyant) we would have maintained the high level of active participation in our Church and at Sunday Mass. By high level of active participation, I mean almost 90% of Catholics attending Mass on Sunday as was the case prior to the Second Vatican Council. Today, we consider it a blessing if we have at least 20% attending. This is truly shocking and it should be sobering to those who think the renewal of the last 45 years has actually been renewal. Why go to Mass if one does not believe what the Church believes about the Mass, if our celebrations betray that belief through banalities, entertainment forms of participation, and downright profane activities in the church and her celebrations? Why should the nearly 70% who absent themselves from Sunday Mass and active participation take seriously what we do if the outward signs of what we do, do not inspire or lead to true worship, reverence and spirituality--that sense of the sacred that was so characteristic of Catholic parishes of a by-gone era?Let's get with it and continue the reform of the reform. Pope Benedict knows what he is doing and we need to support him. Perhaps in another 45 years the liturgical landscape will have improved and the absence of Catholic people in our pews and the loss of the sense of the sacred will have all been truly reformed.