Thursday, January 14, 2010

Homeschool Conference for Traditional Catholics

The below conference will be of interest to traditional catholic homeschool families. The priests involved are supportters of the Latin Mass as well as the organizers.

North Georgia Catholic Homeschool Conference

+JMJ+Mark you calendar -

Dr. Ray Guarendi, father of 10, author of numerous ChildDiscipline books will be coming to North Metro Tech on Friday, April 23rd, 2010from 7pm -8pm. He is the keynote speaker at this years 5th annual North GeorgiaCatholic Homeschool conference.Other speakers include:Laura Berquist -founder of Mother of Divine Grace, author of Designing Your Own ClassicalCurriculum. She will conduct all day workshops (10am-3pm) on Friday, April 23rd.She will also give 2 talks to conference participants on Saturday, April 24thDr. Catherine Moran -will give 2 talks to conference participants on Sat. April 24,

Fr. Augustine Tran - Saturday

Fr. Omar Loggiodice - Mass on Friday

Dr. Tony Barone - local lawyer, author and homeschooler - Common MistakesHomeschoolers Make, on SaturdayMisty Spinelli - founder of Growing Scholars, speaker will talk on Saturdayand more.

Also many vendors - Seton, MODG, Our Lady of Victory (?), and othersVendor only shopping on FridayCollege Fair on Friday

to learn more about the speakers, for more info, or to register - check out thewebsite:

www.chsconferencega .com

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