Bishop Fellay, head of the SSPX

The SSPX are looking to buy the Sisters of Immaculate via Monza
church and former boarding school as the HQ of their Personal
The SSPX has released a video of Bishop Fellay stating that the Vatican has given permission to the SSPX to freely ordain priests without the permission of the local ordinary. Apparently ordinations are no longer considered illicit. This follows the legal recognition of weddings performed by the Society. This is a major development. ( see http://fsspx.news/en )
Farodi Roma has just announced that the Vatican is expected to officially recognize the SSPX on May 13th. at the 100th anniversary of Fatima. See http://www.farodiroma.it/2017/04/10/prelatura-personale-lefebvriani-papa-annunciarlo-fatima/
Marco Tosatti has reported that the SSPX reconciliation is in fact in the works, and that the SSPX are looking to purchase the above church complex as their headquarters of their personal prelature. The Pope will chose between three names of Bishops submitted by the SSPX as the head of the personal prelature. The SSPX will also be granted auxiliary Bishops. How many years have we been through this dance? ( see: http://www.marcotosatti.com/2017/03/20/vaticano-lefebvre-a-un-passo-dalla-firma-dellaccordo-le-foto-della-possibile-nuova-sede-a-roma/ )
Bishop Fellay in Poland has just issued a statement regarding the reconciliation of the SSPX, basically the news about the upcoming reconciliation is "fake" news, and he does not think the SSPX will be recognized. For the entire statement see: https://sarmaticusblog.wordpress.com/2017/03/08/latest-news-about-rome-sspx-recognition-talks/
Today Tormielli from La Stampa has just issued a report updating and clarifying the many rumors of the current reconciliation talks going on in Rome. He reports the terms of the reconciliation document that the SSPX has been given to sign. Bishop Fellay has not yet signed the document and is working on gathering support for his signature from the members of the SSPX. To read his entire report see: http://www.lastampa.it/2017/03/03/vaticaninsider/eng/news/society-of-st-pius-x-small-steps-towards-an-agreement-l2ECN8NArPVgXVwOU6PRmJ/pagina.html
Real tangible evidence that the reconciliation is not just another rumor. Matteo Matzuzzi, on Cannon 212 this weekend has reported that the SSPX are purchasing the Santa Maria Immacolata building & church complex on the Esquiline, one of the seven hills of Rome. The complex is located close to the Lateran. The large neo-gothic church was built for an order at the end of the 19th century. This included other buildings that were used as a school in recent years. This palace will be the General House of the Personal Prelature of the SSPX. (Apparently things are progressing rapidly toward the expected upcoming announcement.) Also according to Il Foglio, there will be a study center of the Society and additionally the General House of Personal Prelature, as soon as the Society is recognized as such by the Holy See.
Le Figaro today (Candlemass Day) reports that the official reconciliation is expected to take place on May 13th or July 7th of this year. See http://www.lefigaro.fr/actualite-france/2017/02/01/01016-20170201ARTFIG00340-les-lefebvristes-se-rapprochent-de-rome.php Also La Stampa has an article on the latest developments, pointing out that the SSPX cannot only lawfully administer the sacrament of penance, but also can now lawfully administer the sacrament of Extreme Unction. See: http://www.lastampa.it/2017/01/30/vaticaninsider/eng/the-vatican/fraternity-of-st-pius-x-ever-closer-to-reconciliation-xY7GVwCDVyST373inFczcP/pagina.html
Rorate Caeli has issued the below two reports in the last two days. Reconciliation could affect Georgia because the SSPX has one Georgia parish located in Roswell (Atlanta Diocese). Bishop Fellay has said reconciliation is close on French TV. Andrea Tornielli, and Monsignor Pozzo of Ecclesia Dei have now confirmed this. See below:
From Andrea Tornielli, who has been one of the unofficial spokesman for Pope Francis in his pontificate, in an article this morning for La Stampa: "We are working at this moment in the completion of some aspects of the canonical frame, which will be the Personal Prelature." Archbishop Guido Pozzo, Secretary of the Ecclesia Dei commission, charged with dialogue with the Society of Saint Pius X, confirms [SSPX Superior-General Fellay's words] to Vatican Insider that the stage of full communion with the Lefebvrians is near. The accomplishment of the agreement is now in plain sight, even if some time is still needed.
From the interview granted by the Superior-General of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), Bishop Bernard Fellay, to the program "Terres de Mission" by TVLibertes, a conservative French network, as reported by Italian website Radio Spada: Bishop Fellay confirmed in the program Terres de Mission of TVLibertes broadcast minutes ago: on the factual level, relations with the Vatican are already normal, and only the seal is missing on the agreement: "This agreement is possible, according to the Superior-general, in his view, without waiting for the situation in the Church to become completely satisfactory."
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