Monday, April 6, 2015


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Traditional Nuns of the ICKSP

Father Denis Bouchard, FSSP, former pastor of St Francis de Sales in the Atlanta Diocese has been instrumental in the founding of a new traditional order of nuns in the USA. Please have all women interested in a traditional vocation to contact the nuns below.

VIENNA – With the blessing of Bishop George V. Murry, S.J., a small group of women is preparing to launch the Missionary Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi here.The three, including superior Mother Mary Francis and two candidates, have been approved as a private association of the faithful, a group who come together for ministry and who hope to, over time, develop into a diocesan religious institute of sisters.
Bishop Murry will perform a liturgical ceremony at Queen of the Holy Rosary Parish here March 19, which will include a reading of the decree establishing the association, investiture of their foundress, Mother Mary Francis, and acceptance of the two candidates.Mother Mary Francis will receive the habit of the novice for the Missionary Sisters of St. Francis – a traditional black habit with brown scapular and white veil. “People are very curious about the habit,” she said.“We’re very excited,” said Father Denis Bouchard of the Priestly Society of St. Peter, pastor of Queen of the Holy Rosary Parish here, and spiritual guide of the three women as they have worked to develop their association.All three minister at the parish’s St. Joseph the Protector Learning Center, which works to support parents who are home schooling their children.They also assist Father Bouchard at the parish, which offers Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite approved by Pope Benedict XVI, also known as the traditional Latin or Tridentine Mass.“We also have a website, ‘Oremus’ (Latin for ‘Let us pray’),” Mother Mary Francis said. It broadcasts a Holy Hour of Reparation for video viewing through the Internet on Sunday afternoon and a Miraculous Medal Novena on Wednesday morning.In addition, Oremus carries a First Friday devotion and a morning First Saturday Devotion each month – along with the Stations of the Cross each Friday evening during Lent.“We have people watching and praying with us from over 70 countries,” Mother Mary Francis said. The website address is

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